Shop Wedding Dresses On Sale in Tacoma, WA
All sale inventory is sold as-is and ready to take home same day! Sale prices starting at $699!
*Note — Not all sale gowns are listed below and we try our best to delete styles that are sold as soon as possible. Alterations are not included in pricing as it is a different department.

D3640, 14

D3570, 12

D3395, 14

3372, 28W

D3508, 14

7597, 14

D3308, 14

D3477, 12

9900, 12

12133, 12

D3939, 12

D3823, 14 (Sample only)

9953 22

7752, 14

D3636, 10 (Samples only)

#7413, 12

WEST, 10

#6978, 10

#Ellen, 12

#Florie, 12

#Foster, 14

A1169, 14

#6962, 10

#2473, 12

#D3249, 12

#2415, 12

#9702, 12

#9802, 12

#7216, 18

#22MC571, 10

#9905, 10

#22MK934, 10

#D3066, 12


#DYLAN, 14

#7479, 14

Delores, 8

#4123, 14

#2403, 18

#Tilda, 12

#9810, 10

#A1111, 12

D3640, 14

#7431, 12

LOLA, 12

D3379, 10

7597, 14

7497, 12 (Dress only)

5924, 12

A1104, 10

5953, 10

d3837, 12

23mk133, 12


7479, 14


L624, 10

2422, 12

2484, 10